My Belief
I came to a recent discovery while flying with an atheist First Officer. He has way more BLIND FAITH than myself or any Christian I know. Pilots usually get to know a fair amount about one another while flying together for several days. The first few conversations are always the same. Are you married, girlfriend, kids, where do you live, hobbies etc etc blah blah blah… Then by day 2 or 3 we get to the more interesting conversations. Politics, Religion, or views on current events. When he began talking about why he believes in NO possibility of God what-so-ever this peeked my curiosity. Most people will admit a possibility, but he was convinced that no such chance could ever exist.
This type of strong opinion always begs for supporting evidence. I have to know what has led someone to this solid a conclusion. So I asked him repeatedly and listened very intently for his evidence. His answer was always the same. “Just because”. He believes in the possibility of UFO’s, government cover ups, and evolution but he has no idea why. He could not give me one piece of evidence to support his ideas. His answer was always, “It is just my belief”. I even asked him for a percentage of his assurance. He said he was a good 40% sure that technology will prove aliens and evolution in the near future. This was astonishing to me. Someone that does not even understand the argument of evolution is so convinced in ANYTHING but God.
I provided him with credible evidence for why evolution is not an “iron clad” theory. Also, I provided him with archeology that supports the history of the Bible and fulfilled prophesy that supports the Bibles claims to be a book of supernatural character. While all of this does NOT prove God it is at least a credible argument. Any logical individual would give it a possibility of being correct even be it ever so miniscule. My First Officer would not even give it a 1% percent possibility of being correct. While he has NO evidence to support his own ideas, he is unwilling to accept anything corroborating the existence of God. This is a blind faith beyond any I have ever seen.
Matt 17:20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Application For Life
So many people have closed their minds to even a possibility of God. This is not logical and we as followers of Christ must redouble our efforts to be bold both in our passion to share with them and pray for them. We must do everything we can to break through this worlds firm grip on their lives so that they realize their need for salvation. We would also do well to educate ourselves on the evidence so that we may have complete faith in our Salvation.
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