Monday, August 30, 2010

Crazy Love

passion 1

My Belief

A member of my crew recently asked me an interesting question. He knows that I am a follower of Jesus and he likes to try to “hit me” with question that I may not be able to answer. I must admit the question he asked this time caused me to pause and think hard for a moment. I had never tried to answer a question like this to a non believer before, and it took a moment to relate it in a way that would not sound like “hocus-pocus” religious rhetoric. His question was this: “How do you love Jesus? In an intimate way? Like a father? Like a brother? or What? I had flown with this member of my crew many times and we spoken often about his fondness for history. I used his appreciation for history to try and answer his question. My answer proceeded something like this:

Suppose that back in the 1940’s America had been invaded by Nazi’s. I then told him also imagine that the Nazi’s had indoctrinated you amongst there ranks as they had done with so many young minds. Pretend they had given you authority and power to arrest, invade, and assert that authority on the people of America. Now pretend that you used this power against me. You and some of your military buddies, just for sport, trapped my entire family and dogs inside my house and then proceeded to light in on fire. This killed everyone inside and you made me watch in horror. After the tragic event was over, you then realized what a terrible thing this was and you turned to look me in the eye. Instead of rage, my eyes met you with compassion, grace, and FORGIVENESS. As your Nazi buddies witnessed this exchange they turned to lay hands on you for what they presumed to be a moment of weakness. As they approached, I not only forgave you, but I jumped in front of them. I exclaiming to them that I was at fault and to let me take your place as the icon of their hatred.

I then proceeded to ask my fellow crew member how he would feel toward me in this situation? You grossly wronged me, yet I forgave you. Then when you realized you were in danger, I took your place. This would describe the love I have for Jesus. Back to reality, I realize that I am the offender here. I have wronged Jesus and I deserve a horrible punishment. In spite of this Jesus still forgives me and protects me. Words can not really describe the love that I have for my Savior, but this sort of paints the picture.

passion 2


Luke 10:27

27He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'[a]; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[b]"

Application for Life

Since there is NO reason for The Lord Jesus to Love us the way He does, what does this mean for our life? It means we should give our all to Christ! It means there is no wrong that can be done to us that we can not forgive. It means that this is not our home and our future has been given new meaning. LIVE HARD for Jesus! After what He did for us, is there really any other way…

passion 3

Monday, August 23, 2010

What’s in a Name…

My Belief                                               Curse

Have you noticed how common profane language using the name of Allah is? Think about how often you hear things like “Muhammad dam it”, or “Sweet Buddha”. No, I’m not crazy. I am simply trying to illustrate the point that you never hear any name of any other religion ever taken in vain. Our culture has take the name of God, Jesus Christ, and countless variants thrown around like they are going out of style. Most people don’t even notice all the times that the name of God is casually used in everyday life. Why is it that Allah, Buddha, Sheeva, Muhammad, or Joseph Smith are never used in swearing, cursing, or just casual gestures? Why are the names of God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit the only ones trampled on?Cursing

I will tell you why this is! Satan is in control of this world! He does not hate Buddha, Allah or Muhammad. He knows they ARE NOT REAL. They are fake! Satan created them to keep as many people as possible away from the one true God. Satan hates God, Satan hate Jesus, and Satan hates YOU! Satan will do all he can to trample on the name of God and to curse the name of Jesus. In fact, the end of the Bible tells us this is exactly how Satan “kicks off” the tribulation at the end of the age. He plans to set himself up as God and blaspheme God loudly from the temple in Jerusalem. Satan will never be as powerful as God. He will never get the exalted thrown of God no matter how much he wishes, schemes, or tries for it. In essence the only thing Satan can really do is make fun of God, trash His name, and try to get you to do the same.


Rev 13:5 Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months.

Exodus 20:7  "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Application for Life

Take one week and see if you can count how many times you hear the name of God or Jesus just thrown around like it was the word “is”. If you are guilty of misusing the name God, then ask for for forgiveness and research why the name of God is so Holy. Also count how many times you hear any other religious names kicked around. Jesus is the most beautiful name we have. We should hold it in the highest possible regard. When we use the name of God or Jesus it should ONLY be to bring Glory and Honor to Him.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Christianity is a Crutch

My Belief

I recently went to a church in Time Square, NY. The guest speaker told a great story of an encounter he had with a non believing individual. The person approached this guest speaker and explained that he thought all of this “Bible” stuff is a fraud and Christianity itself is a “Crutch” for weak people. The speaker responded to this individual by squaring up and looking the person directly in the eye. He then exclaimed, “Jesus absolutely is a crutch and I am a weak broken person that needs that crutch”.


This is a perfect description of what Jesus is for us. The problem is that we have no idea what Jesus is offering us until we realize that we are completely broken people. Once we realize that we have a need that this world can not fix, then we can understand that Jesus is offering us the help that allows us to stand in front of a Holy God. We have evil as part of our very nature. We are born in a state of need just like a person born without the ability to walk. Someone without the ability to physically walk would be ecstatic to have the use of a crutch or a wheelchair in order to become mobile. In the same way if we can stop being concerned with our own self interest for a minute, then we can realize that we are paralyzed by our own nature. Our relationships fail, our thoughts wonder to evil, and our societies crumble due to our own corruption. This has happened all throughout history because people always have been broken and in need of help. Jesus is that help, Jesus fills that need, and Jesus is the crutch for us to lean on in our brokenness.


Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Application for life

In this life we never stop being broken. We must recognize that we are always sinners. God’s judgment will only pass over us if we are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. This is the ONLY hope that we have in life. I reflect upon this everyday. I see myself sin EVERYDAY. I say things, I do things, and I think things that separate me from God. My only hope and my only strength is when I realize that Jesus is the “Crutch” that catches me every time I fall. Joy in the cross

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Faith Like an Atheist

My Belief  

I came to a recent discovery while flying with an atheist First Officer. He has way more BLIND FAITH than myself or any Christian I know. Pilots usually get to know a fair amount about one another while flying together for several days. The first few conversations are always the same. Are you married, girlfriend, kids, where do you live, hobbies etc etc blah blah blah… Then by day 2 or 3 we get to the more interesting conversations. Politics, Religion, or views on current events. When he began talking about why he believes in NO possibility of God what-so-ever this peeked my curiosity. Most people will admit a possibility, but he was convinced that no such chance could ever exist.

This type of strong opinion always begs for supporting evidence. I have to know what has led someone to this solid a conclusion. So I asked him repeatedly and listened very intently for his evidence. His answer was always the same. “Just because”. He believes in the possibility of UFO’s, government cover ups, and evolution but he has no idea why. He could not give me one piece of evidence to support his ideas. His answer was always, “It is just my belief”. I even asked him for a percentage of his assurance. He said he was a good 40% sure that technology will prove aliens and evolution in the near future. This was astonishing to me. Someone that does not even understand the argument of evolution is so convinced in ANYTHING but God.

I provided him with credible evidence for why evolution is not an “iron clad” theory. Also, I provided him with archeology that supports the history of the Bible and fulfilled prophesy that supports the Bibles claims to be a book of supernatural character. While all of this does NOT prove God it is at least a credible argument. Any logical individual would give it a possibility of being correct even be it ever so miniscule. My First Officer would not even give it a 1% percent possibility of being correct. While he has NO evidence to support his own ideas, he is unwilling to accept anything corroborating the existence of God. This is a blind faith beyond any I have ever seen.


Matt 17:20  He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."camelback-mountain

Application For Life

So many people have closed their minds to even a possibility of God. This is not logical and we as followers of Christ must redouble our efforts to be bold both in our passion to share with them and pray for them. We must do everything we can to break through this worlds firm grip on their lives so that they realize their need for salvation. We would also do well to educate ourselves on the evidence so that we may have complete faith in our Salvation. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Memory Items and Limitations

My Belief                    Jet fire

When you fly a jet aircraft there are countless things that can go wrong. There are dozens of systems on board that control pressurization, temperature, hydraulics, flight controls, engine sequencing, navigation, and on and on and on… Any one of these things could malfunction causing a problem large enough to stop the flight from continuing. Obviously, some are more serious issues than others and that becomes the pilots job to determine the correct course of action. Some of these situations allow time to follow flow charts to isolate and/or correct the problem. Some however, such as an engine fire do not. In these extreme situations the pilots have been trained to accomplish “Memory Items/Limitation” procedures. These are specific actions that must be performed with out hesitation and without the ability to “Look up” the necessary actions. Without this recognition of a serious emergency and the ability to promptly respond, disaster would certainly ensue.

God’s word is much the same way. There are plenty of things that warrant time for careful research and discussion, yet there are other things that would best serve us to have on the front of our minds. This way we can recall quickly when a situation dictates the need. I think most of these topics pertain directly to the process of salvation and repentance dealing with our Lord Jesus Christ. King David specifically said in Psalms, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, so that I may not sin against You”. There are trials that are presented before us each day in our lives that would cause us to sin or misrepresent the truth of the Bible. These may be critical times where there was a clear opportunity to fill a need in someone's life or to bring glory to God by not choosing poorly in our decisions. There are times where careful research is required, and then there are times when without God’s word on the front of our minds certainly spiritual disaster will ensue.


Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Application for Life

I myself am recommitting to memorizing God’s Word. I encourage everyone to start putting a few meaningful versus in the front of your mind so that it is ready to be used in a moments notice. When that person at work questions your faith, when you let your eyes wonder to places they shouldn’t, and when someone confronts you with the wisdom of this world; we will be ready to recall that needed scripture. Commit to learning God’s “Memory items and Limitations” so you know exactly what to do when the Emergencies of Life happen.