Monday, July 19, 2010

Tinted Truth

My Belief

Navigation is specific and when navigating from one place to another even a few degrees off course can result in missing the end destination. For example: If you were Navigating from Philadelphia, PA to Columbus, OH you would need almost a due West heading. This is 270 degrees on a compass. If you were to stray just a little from this heading in either direction you may end up in Cincinnati or Cleveland. Both of these courses are still considered Westerly Heading, but they have very different results for very similar headings. It all looks like “West” but only one course leads to the correct destination.  

CourseHave you ever wondered about all of the different “beliefs” and religions in this world? Why are there so many of them? I believe it is because they are all tools used to dissuade people from the real truth. If you take something that is true and you change it ever so slightly, it is no longer truth. It only has to be bent a few degrees or tinted just a little and it becomes “Almost True”. This is enough for Satan to get people off the true course to salvation and eternal life in Heaven. Satan only has to fool you for the duration of your life. If he can give you just a little different heading for long enough, then he can keep you from God and force you to join him in eternal damnation. While many faiths are similar all differ in two areas. The plan of salvation and the person of Jesus Christ. Many say that for salvation you must be baptized, be a good person, do good works, pray to different deities etc… The worst of them is when they include these things in addition to Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus is true salvation and when anything is added to HIM then it takes away from HIS perfect work on the cross. No one will stand before God and say that they helped get themselves get into heaven.  No one can tell God that it is 99% Jesus and 1% other. 1% other, 1 degree off, or 1 thing in addition to Jesus makes it 100% false. Don’t let Satan fool you with anything other than what is in God’s perfect word.


 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Application for Life

There are many religions out there and we have a test to determine if they are TRUTH! Who is Jesus, and how can you be saved? Compare all information to this Truth. If it is even a little bit off then you can be 100% sure it is Satan twisting the Truth to make it “almost truth.” Don’t be fooled and don’t be apathetic toward this most important aspect of our earthly life. There is only so much time in life to commit to this one Truth. Satan is trying hard to hide it amongst things that look and seam very similar. A few degrees of deviation expanded over the course of a lifetime may look like a “True heading”, but the end destination will be drastically different.

Wolf in Sheep

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