Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So What is so Great about Heaven…

My Belief

I had a flight attendant ask me once “what is so great about heaven”. “Are we going to float around and sing songs? That just sounds silly.” At the moment I did not have a good answer for him. I was taken back for a second and did not know what to tell him. It was obvious that being close to God had no significance for him. He doesn't believe in God so why would it. What could I tell him that would matter? I have since come up with an answer.

Besides being close to the Creator God, I have come up with a great and exciting answer for what is so Great about Heaven. It is a place full of “NO MORES”. This planet is full of pain and suffering. I know at times it seams like we live very comfortable in America, but think about it for a second. Think of all the political corruption, think of all of the broken families, think of all the violence everywhere you turn, and think of all of the unfair death that so many experience. This will be “NO MORE” in Heaven. We will have no more pain, no more suffering, and no more injustice. There will be no more corruption or flawed relationships. We will be perfectly provided for and taken care of in a way that is impossible here on earth.

There are political parties in our current society that are trying to create a “utopia”. A place where all is fair and equal. Where all are provided for and everyone has everything they need. They attempt to do this through entitlement spending, redistribution of wealth, and social programs. While at times there intentions may be good, they will never achieve this goal. We are sinful people that can never get past our evil nature. No matter how hard we try we can not create “Heaven”. With this realization, I look forward to the day that I WILL leave this broken world for the ultimate paradise. There I will be close to my Creator and truly have no more pain.


Revelation 21:4

4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Application for Life Heaven

I love the Jeremy Camp song “There will be a day”. It gives me hope for my daily life. It tells me that eventually my loved ones will not die. That my Job will not be political. That my society will not always be driven by greed. This gives me HOPE for an awesome future that I will soon have!


  1. Rob, thats an enlightened post. Enlightened because God gave it to you. Just like Jesus tells Peter when Peter made his great confession in Matt 16:16, It was revealed by God. He hides things from those who can't see and reveals things to the humble. As far as this world and the current political system, it reminds me of James 4:3, We ask and do not receive because of wrong motives. Because we ask for our on pleasues. People are ate up with lust and greed and are only interested in getting what they can from God and not in interested in getting a personal relationship with God. Keep up the work broher!

  2. PLUS- you can tell them the alternative is burning in eternal pain and suffering in hell- which isn't really that awesome...I mean- most people believe there is a hell...I think.
