Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is your American Idol?

My belief

My America idol was, and sometimes still is, my career. Idols are not necessarily little wood or metal statues that you pray to or worship. In our fast pace Global culture, idols are anything you put in front of God. This could be your career, your toys, your hobbies or even your spouse and kids! When you are honest with yourself, is there something in the gap between you and God besides Jesus? Do we say God I give you everything, except for, as long as, or under the follow conditions? What is it that the Lord has given you that you are not willing to let him take away?


Job 1:21
21 and said:"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away may the name of the LORD be praised."

Apply it to life

Am I willing to quit my job for the Lord? Will I praise God if my wife or child's life is cut short? If I become disabled or suffer a handy cap will I feel sorry for myself? Do I take all that I am and leave it at the foot of the cross?

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