Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get Some "Dirty" Friends

My belief

Go get some Dirty Friends! It is great to have a good group of "churchy" friends with whom you can rely upon and stay accountable to, but that is NOT our main job. GO get your hands dirty! We are here to be a friend and share the Gospel with the LOST not the saved. Have your good solid group of believer friends and then go hang out with the sex, drugs, and rockin-roll people. How will the truly lost in this world ever find the "life boat" of salvation unless you go and be their friend?


Matthew 9:11-12
11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples,"Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners. 12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

How this applies to life?

Don't go get some worldly, secular friends and then start bashing them with the Bible. If you do, you won't be friends for long. Just be a friend to them no matter what they do. When they take the low road you be friendly and take the high road. All the while, you should be praying for God's love and mercy to touch there hearts. Pray that God will give you an opportunity to share the hope you have in Christ with your lost friends. You don't have to debate or bash them, you just have to let them know where you stand!


  1. amen to that, Rob, we should all be purposefully seeking out relationships with all sorts of people. It is so easy to get so caught up in "the bubble", in our comfort zones, when the mission fields all around us, in our jobs, our relationships, the people we interact with on a daily basis- God has placed us in their lives for a specific reason. We need our Christian friends- they encourage us, keep us accountable, give us sound, biblical advice, but if we are staying in the salt shaker the whole time, what use are we in obeying the great commission! Good post, keep 'em coming!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have a theory why church attendance is declining in America and people are becoming less and less interested in Christ. First we as Christians have done a poor job of letting other see Christ in us. Our divorce rate is the same we suffer from the same problems and we get wrapped up in “church” and disregard the relationship. We have put so much focus on bible study (not that this is bad) when in fact the Holy Spirit has given us everything we need to live a life for Christ. I know so many people that study the bible, go to studies but yet fail to tell others about Christ. If every Christian would just put in place what we already know we could get the job done if we never attended another study. Next we as Christians have failed to prepare our children as Christians. I’m working on a program for our church to give kids the tools they need to engage their community not just be apart of it. (this will not just be a bible study) Third we are not under persecution. The USA has given us a great place to live but look at every country that Christianity is growing and you see persecution as a common thread. Even in the bible persecution is a catalyst for the spread of Christianity. If we wait long enough persecution could happen in the USA. And last the non-chistians I talk to see no need to be a Christian because we seem just like them. Sorry for being so long winded.

  4. I absolutely agree. I just expressed this same opinion to a friend via email. How can you tell us apart? Not that we are better people. WE ARE THE SAME, dirty evil people, but we have hope in Christ. We tell them that there is a way to be saved from the justice we deserve as evil people. Where is the real "church" believers sharpening and caring for one another. Believers loving the world around them even though it hates them. Let's start building on the foundation with treasure that will last instead of the crap that burns up in this world.

  5. I agree with this post, but I think its very important to note that you still have to be salt and light in the world- and I think lots of people are afraid to hold people accountable when they hang out with people who live lives that are against God's will. Or worse, they allow those people to rub off on them. It's a tight line to walk which is why I think many Christians avoid it. But obviously Jesus wants us to be exposed to the tax collectors of this world and not the pharisees.

  6. In Christ we have freedom. However, Satan lurks to tempt us with the things he knows will lure us away. If I, for example, am a recovered drug addict, then hanging out in bars and clubs with druggies to be salt and light to them is a BAD IDEA. God has plenty of non-recovered drug addicts He can use to witness in those arenas. So, have all the Christian and non-Christian friends you want. Just seek wisdom in each relationship, asking in prayer that the Holy Spirit would guide you. We are free, but that doesn't mean we should be stupid.

  7. A good message that relates to this post:
