My Belief
I just had lunch at Chick-fil-a and it was AWESOME!!! Not because the food was any better than usual, but because I had to WAIT in line FOREVER!!! Today is the day that Gov. Mike Huckabee asked the nation to come out in support of Chick-fil-a and Christians got the message loud and clear! I had to wait 15 minutes to order my food and then I had to wait about 10 more minutes before it was ready. This is nothing close to “FAST FOOD” today.
I loved every minute of it and everybody else did too! Dan Cathy the CEO of CFA came out more than a week ago in full faced support of the Bible and it’s stance on marriage and homosexuality. Dan pronounced boldly and clearly that by America becoming a “GAY” accepting nation WE are inviting the wrath of God upon ourselves. In the days immediately after his statements, both the mayors of Boston and Chicago came out in an effort to smash Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-a.
They both declared that Dan and CFA were bigots and CFA’s values are not their cities values. It was made clear by both mayors that CFA is not welcome in Boston or Chicago and any establishments they had should be shut down and run out of town!
Apparently these mayors do not know that a HUGE percentage of the population in this country and their cities are CHRISTIANS THAT BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE AND IDENTIFY DIRECTLY WITH DAN CATHY AND CFA’S SAME VALUES!!! I have been praying for our nation because we have turned so far from God. I am so thankful that Dan had the courage to STAND FIRM on the Word of God. I am also so thankful that God’s people led by the Holy Spirit are getting behind this loud clear stance on the Bible.
God has always support His people and turned the tables on our enemies. He hung Haman on his own gallows when he tried to destroy Esther and Mordechai. He smashed Pharaoh under the full weight of the Red Sea when he would not let God’s people go, and I am 100% sure the mayors of Boston and Chicago have sealed their own fate by attacking CFA and Dan Cathy. God loves us and He loves it when we stand upon His truth.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land
Application for Life
I pray for a 3rd great awakening in this country before God’s Wrath falls heavy upon us. I pray that so many more of us that have been put into great positions would rise up as Dan has done in full support of God’s Word. I am fearful of economic collapse and the wayward culture that has gripped America, BUT NOT as fearful as I am of God’s anger. God calls the way America is living an abomination in His eyes. I pray that you and I would be salt and light in this dark place and the Holy Spirit would work through us to change the hearts and minds of our nation. Only a majority of Americans who live by means of the Spirit can put America on a course away from God’s Judgment. Thank you Dan Cathy for pointing the tip of the spear!
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