Thursday, August 16, 2012


My Belief

so close

I had a little bit of a shock moment last week. I was flying with a sharp first officer. She was a nice girl that was athletic, well traveled, and knowledgeable about many things. While cruising across the country we where chatting a little bit. I don’t really recall about what, but I will never forget one particular moment in our conversation. We must have strayed into politics or current events and I asked her, “Who do you think will win in November?” She replied, “I guess Obama. But I don’t even know who he is running against”. I sat beside myself for a second! How could this bright intelligent person have no idea about what is going on in the leadership of our country. I feel that she and so many others are so absorbed in their own self interested lives that they have no idea that the “house” they are in is on FIRE!

I also can’t believe the polls in this election are so close. Most states and nation wide polls show a dead heat between President Obama and Gov. Romney. How can this be?!?! We have record unemployment, fiscal instability, and continuing scandal from this administration. ignorance Even so, people go about as things are business as usual and there is nothing to see or worry about here.

People are just plain IGNORANT and happy to be that way. Our current events are directly connected to our spiritual status. Just as people have no idea about what is going on in the nation, they have no idea how all of this relates directly to the Bible and what God has foretold. God has said that just as things were in the days of Noah, when people went about eating and drinking and making merry, yet they had no idea that destruction was upon them, the same would be true of the end of the age. People have no idea about God and the Bible anymore. They have no idea the God considers our ramped homosexuality and waywardness an abomination in his sight. They have no idea that the Middle East is on fire and ripe for the Antichrist to takeover. They have no idea that Israel’s friends have turned their backs on them and they are now back into a corner. Soon there will be global war and economic catastrophe and so many of us sit on our hands and wonder what we should do on the weekend!

PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE! I pray that America will wake up. I pray that people will realize the financial, moral, and ethical cliff we are falling off of.


Luke 17:26-27

26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.


We were founded as a Christian nation on Biblical principles. We became the most powerful economic and military power the world has ever seen in record time because of it. The true believers in Jesus must stand firm on the Word and pray that the Holy Spirit will draw people around us close. We have a clear choice in this election. If we continue down the path we are on, then we will deserve the government that we get. I pray that we will wake people up, and get them informed that our Holy God has a time limit on His Mercy.

Shut door

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