My Belief
I find it amazing and encouraging that so many powerful men of God in the Bible could screw up so bad! For example: David was the "man after Gods own heart", Noah spoke directly with God and watched the entire world perish, and Moses was given a direct command by God to lead Israel. Each of these men had an important connection with the creator and each of them failed in a big way. David had sex with a married woman and indirectly killed her husband on purpose, Noah and his family were the only ones left on earth and he got drunk and performed some sort of debauchery in his tent after the flood, and Moses willfully disobeyed a direct order from God after being delivered out of Egypt.
Even the best men alive STRUGGLES with a raging sin to rebel against God. This evil Sin lives in every Christian or non Christian alive and it is definitely alive and well inside of me. The difference between believers and non believers is Struggle against this sin. This struggle is a wonderful reminder to me! This is proof of the Holy Spirit in a life engaging a conscious and pushing a person against their natural desire to turn from God. Paul described it best all through out Romans when he said he does what he does not want to do and his sinful flesh rebels against God. His heart desires to obey God but he finds himself battling to stop himself from doing wrong. This gives me great hope because I know God is working in my life. I fight sin every day and my heart breaks when I fail. I am happy to know that I am in good company though when I do fail. Better men and women of God than me faced the same sin. It also saddens me to know some of my friends who profess Jesus have no trouble sinning at all. They are the first to delight in jumping into drunkenness or a bed with just about anyone and does not appear to bother them at all. They are proud of their sin. There is no struggle because there is no Holy Spirit, and without the Holy Spirit there is no salvation.
Romans 7:15
15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Application for Life
Just like Paul I continue to evaluate my walk with the Lord and war against my own sinful flesh. Just like David I continue to study Gods word so I may not sin against Him. Thank you Jesus that you have given me the helper to convict me of my sin that I may continue to be refined. I pray to overcome my flesh and look forward to the day that I will trade my sinful body for a sinless one!
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