Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Annoying People

My Belief

There are a few people in my life that really annoy me! For example: I find it annoying that some of the people at my church act like they are performing INSTEAD of leading worship. I find it annoying that some people in my life seem like they are playing church INSTEAD of having a heart for people and I find it annoying how many people in my job are just nasty and bitter about everything. In my mind I am GLAD I am not like those people!

Obviously this attitude is not inline with the mind and heart of God and He has convicted me about these thoughts. He is helping me to bring my thinking in line with His will. I had a thought a few weeks ago while I was at church one Sunday. I was  watching the person on stage put on a SHOW and leave the audience sitting quiet while continuing to loudly wale on. AeroSmithI thought to myself, no matter what they are doing, Jesus loves that person the same as he loves me. It is just wrong for me to think badly about that person because they are a sinner the same as me. I am a sinner and Jesus loves me. Instead I need to pray for them and pray for myself. Jesus came to serve people who eventually stuck him on a tree. I think I can change my thinking to serve people instead of letting them annoy me.


1 John 2:22 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

Application for life

People are all that matter to God. All of creation is set up for his glory and in the Bible He says we are the apex of that creation because we are created in His image. I'm praying the Lord helps me see people the way He sees them. He sees past my flaws and has covered me in the BLOOD of JESUS and so I will try to see past everyone else's.


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