My Belief
Pilots are notoriously selfish people. Most of our lives are structured to make us just that. We work with thousands of other crewmembers that we may never see again causing us to have shallow friendships. We can aggressively manipulate our own schedules, sometimes to the detriment of a more junior pilot. In fact the quality of our careers is based entirely on our own individual seniority with an airline. This tends to create an "I got mine" attitude amongst many members of our ranks. If they are in a good position they simply don't care about any other colleague's that are not.
I sort of realize that at times I have caught myself having this same attitude about people who don't believe in Jesus. Most of the time I have a big heart toward people and I really genuinely hope and pray the will come into a saving knowledge of the gospel, but every now and then I catch myself in and evil thought. I imagine it may be a thought similar to what Jonah had when God told him to go preach in Nineveh. At times I have caught myself thinking "well forget 'em if they don't repent because I've got mine!" You know who I am talking about. The nasty person who hates everyone, or the entrenched atheist. I've had a momentary thought about the Mormon I have shared the true gospel with who is steadfast in his cult. 99% of the time I feel so sad that these people have a horrible fate awaiting them if they don't turn, but every now and then I think "whatever because I am saved by grace and so I've got mine".
This is a horrible thought and one I have to repent before the Lord for and conform to the Will of Christ. Think about what Jesus did! Even when he was nailed to the cross, He exclaimed "forgive them father for they know not what they do". This is powerful! Even when he was beaten and killed He loved the nastiest amount us. I will make it my mission to do the same. I will trap my wayward thoughts and conform them to the mind of Christ. I don't want anyone to ever suffer the fate that the Bible describes as hell. Help me Lord to love everyone the way you have Loved me.
Luke 23:34
New International Version (NIV)
34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
I am praying that I will make 99% become 100%! That I will seek the help of the Holt Spirit the continue the work he has begun in me. That there will be no wrong that I can not forgive and no person that I cannot love. Jesus died for all and I pray that all will hear and repent. The worst among us deserve the same awful fate in Hell that I deserve. Jesus has pardoned me with grace, and I will pray the same for everyone I meet.
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