Thursday, September 29, 2011

Intermittent at best

My Belief


Do you know what an intermittent problem is? In my experience and my line of work it usually deals with electrical or communication problem. It is a problem that is not there all the time. The problem is usually caused by a faulty relay or switch. There is a connection there that is making contact, but it is not a good contact. Or perhaps it is a wire that is frayed and shorting out sometimes.

This is me in my walk with Jesus. I really want to walk with the Lord and I really try hard to wake up each morning and devote myself that day to the Lords work, but I do not always make “good contact”. There are days that I am tired or having a hard day and I let my old sin nature get the best of me. My walk with Jesus shorts out! I get fed up with people around me that don’t use a little common sense or I do what I do best and let my big mouth shoot itself off. I honestly in my heart wish and want to walk every minute of my day with Jesus. I feel the best when I am understanding some part of God’s Word or I get to share my hope in Jesus with another. I realize something though. Even though I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, I am not Jesus Christ. I am incapable of walking a perfect life of righteousness with our Lord.Tripping This is frustrating to me at times, but it helps me to remember that it is not about me, it is about Jesus. I know he is using me to impact peoples lives even in spite of my short comings. I continue to be willing and prayerfully hopeful that God continues to finish the refining work in me that He has started. I know that one day through my death or in His return He will completely refine me to a perfect state of righteousness and I will dwell with him forever. Until then I will continue to be a faulty contact for God, A bad wire for Jesus, and a loose connection spreading the Word of Christ. I am far from perfect, but God can use my weakness for His Glory.


2 Timothy 2:13

13 if we are faithless,
   he remains faithful,
   for he cannot disown himself.

Application for Life

I have a Bible sitting on my desk at home that was given to me by a good friend who feels that God used me to help Him in his finding Jesus. Inside that Bible is a wonderful note of friendship from him and a thank-you note from another friend who feels the same way. I love that God has given me these two tokens from these two men. When I feel that I am broken and have fallen on my face again, I remember that even in my brokenness God is using me. Even when I do not feel faithful to the Lord, I am His and He will use me to accomplish His work.

Jesus lifting

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