Thursday, September 29, 2011

Intermittent at best

My Belief


Do you know what an intermittent problem is? In my experience and my line of work it usually deals with electrical or communication problem. It is a problem that is not there all the time. The problem is usually caused by a faulty relay or switch. There is a connection there that is making contact, but it is not a good contact. Or perhaps it is a wire that is frayed and shorting out sometimes.

This is me in my walk with Jesus. I really want to walk with the Lord and I really try hard to wake up each morning and devote myself that day to the Lords work, but I do not always make “good contact”. There are days that I am tired or having a hard day and I let my old sin nature get the best of me. My walk with Jesus shorts out! I get fed up with people around me that don’t use a little common sense or I do what I do best and let my big mouth shoot itself off. I honestly in my heart wish and want to walk every minute of my day with Jesus. I feel the best when I am understanding some part of God’s Word or I get to share my hope in Jesus with another. I realize something though. Even though I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, I am not Jesus Christ. I am incapable of walking a perfect life of righteousness with our Lord.Tripping This is frustrating to me at times, but it helps me to remember that it is not about me, it is about Jesus. I know he is using me to impact peoples lives even in spite of my short comings. I continue to be willing and prayerfully hopeful that God continues to finish the refining work in me that He has started. I know that one day through my death or in His return He will completely refine me to a perfect state of righteousness and I will dwell with him forever. Until then I will continue to be a faulty contact for God, A bad wire for Jesus, and a loose connection spreading the Word of Christ. I am far from perfect, but God can use my weakness for His Glory.


2 Timothy 2:13

13 if we are faithless,
   he remains faithful,
   for he cannot disown himself.

Application for Life

I have a Bible sitting on my desk at home that was given to me by a good friend who feels that God used me to help Him in his finding Jesus. Inside that Bible is a wonderful note of friendship from him and a thank-you note from another friend who feels the same way. I love that God has given me these two tokens from these two men. When I feel that I am broken and have fallen on my face again, I remember that even in my brokenness God is using me. Even when I do not feel faithful to the Lord, I am His and He will use me to accomplish His work.

Jesus lifting

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3 Common Errors

My Belief

6 pack

I am a few years removed from teaching young pilots the basics of flying in the clouds. This type of flying is also known as flying “IFR” (Instrument Flight Rules) and after thousands of hours of flying it comes as naturally to me now as walking. Even as such, I still remember the common errors that pilots make when doing this type of flying. These errors are labeled as 1. Fixation, 2. Emphasis 3. and Omission.

Traditionally cockpit flight instrument panels have been laid out in a “6 pack” format. Instruments that display Airspeed, Altitude, Attitude, Heading, Vertical speed, and Bank Angle have been placed in front of the pilot in a way that looks similar to a 6 pack of drinks. These instruments are what gives the pilot all the information that he needs when he is unable to see outside the aircraft. The previously mentioned errors are what pilots must continuously evaluate while he scans all of these instruments. He cannot let himself fixate on any one instrument because he will miss what the others are telling him. For a similar reason he can not let himself place any particular emphasis any individual instrument. And obviously it would be detrimental to the flight if he were to completely omit any of the instruments during his scan.

I was speaking with a buddy of mine who is also an airline pilot. We were chatting about how both of us put special emphasis to the point of fixation on our budgets. In this bad economy it is a hot topic for everyone. We both feel that we want to honor God with our money by being good stewards of it and debtors to no one. We both agreed that fiscal discipline is important, but it is not the only thing God called us to do. BudgetFor us especially, we must not omit all the other things God has called us to do in this life. He also called us to be God fearing men and women that live a life of service and sacrifice to our family and friends. He called us to do the work of an evangelist and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone on earth. As we talked we both admitted that it is easy for us particularly to become fixated on this one thing and omit all the other responsibilities the Lord has given us. There is only so much time and energy in a day and it is my prayer that God would help me multi-task to accomplish all that He has set before me.


Eph 2:10

10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Application for Life

I believe the keys to life are organization and discipline. There are so few hours in a day and for me to live the life that God has set for me I must utilize all of them. God at workThe only way I can do this, is if I rise in the morning and plan out my day. I know that I want to devote time in the morning to my relationship with Jesus. I know that I want to devote time to paying my bills and continuously evaluating our budget. I know that I want to spend time being a godly father and husband to my daughter and wife after school and work. I know when I go to work, the gym, or to play that I want to preserve my testimony and look for opportunities to speak about Jesus. Once I have organized my schedule, I pray the Lord gives me the discipline to stick to it. With God’s help, I will accomplish all that he has for me and not just get stuck or one or two things.

God's Work

Friday, September 9, 2011

Never Happened!

My Belief


As we approach the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, something has started standing out in my mind. You would not believe the number of people who have told me that it “Never Happened”. What am I talking about, you say… I have flown with several people and sat next countless others in airports that all say things like that. They say the entire thing is a Bush White House cover up. The wing tip vortices when the planes hit the tower are not there or don’t look right. The planes were digitally superimposed on the TV and it was missiles that hit the buildings. 911The trajectory for the plane that hit the ground in Pennsylvania was wrong and to small, it was a missile too. The plane that hit the pentagon was a bomb set by the U.S. military. The entire thing was a hoax and a conspiracy devised by our own government.

Have you ever noticed that they say the same thing about the moon landing… There are tons of people and books that say that we never went to the moon, but instead the entire thing was a fake again set up by the U.S. government to inspire or motivate a nation. ApolloWhy do people do this?!?! 9/11 was only 10 years ago! I fly out of New York! It happened! We have the moon rocks from the Apollo missions! You can see the trash we left on the moon with high powered telescopes. If people are willing to lie to themselves about things that we have all witnessed in recent history IS IT ANY WONDER THAT PEOPLE ARE WILLING LIE ABOUT SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED 2000 YEARS AGO BY SAYING THE THE LORD JESUS IS NOT GOD, NEVER CAME TO EARTH AND NEVER DIED ON A CROSS FOR YOU AND ME!!!

I can see the place where the twin towers once stood! I have seen the videos of the pilots that could have flown those planes! I know people who designed the Apollo missions! AND I can see the BIBLE is TRUE! I can see that it matches up perfectly with history and everything that archeologist pull out of the ground is talked about within its pages! I see the world around me and can see that our selfish, sinful world matches perfectly with the human condition described in the Bible. I know that when I put my faith in the Lord Jesus that I became very aware of my sinful human condition. When I walk with Him I feel comfort and joy and when I disobey I feel disgusting about myself. I see the “coincidences” that have led me to where I am in my life and I know it is the Hand of the Living God working in my life!


Isaiah 45:5-7

5 I am the LORD, and there is no other;
   apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
   though you have not acknowledged me,
6 so that from the rising of the sun
   to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides me.
   I am the LORD, and there is no other.
7 I form the light and create darkness,
   I bring prosperity and create disaster;
   I, the LORD, do all these things.

Application for Life

I did not witness with my own eyes the 9/11 disaster, but I saw the videos, I witnessed the evidence and have felt the pain that it has caused our nation - I KNOW IT HAPPENED! I was not there when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, but I have seen him talk, watched the footage, and held the moon rocks – I KNOW IT HAPPENED. I was not there when the Lord Jesus was beaten and died on a cross only to rise again for my salvation, but I have studied the history, been unable to disprove one word of God’s WORD and I have witnessed the change in my very own life – I KNOW JESUS IS WHO HE SAID HE IS AND HE HAS SAVED ME!

Jesus Cross

Monday, September 5, 2011


My Belief


Recently I was marveling at the incredible feats of human ingenuity. As I fly around the country and different parts of the world it is amazing to see the accomplishments of man in many of these large cities. When I stop and think of where man has been and where we are today, it is truly mind boggling to think of what has been created. Man has created incredible ways to travel and communicate. We have created vehicles that transport us quickly through town, out of town, across the world, to the bottom of this world or out of this world. With the internetSatelite we are a truly connected people. We know about everything, everywhere, instantly at the touch of a finger. Shoot, we even created machines that create new things. Man has done all of this.

Another interesting fact to think about is that nothing else on the planet has done any of this. There are no other animals that create like we create. Termites build impressive structures to live in, but lets be honest, that is just stacking up dirt and spit. As people we have incredible ideas that we plan out, DESIGN, and then execute there construction.

This is exactly what the Bible describes. The Bible says that we are CREATED! We are created to be the apex of creation and we are created in the image of the Creator. We are designed to be like the Designer. I feel as a people we look forward at everything that we have made, but we don’t look backward to see who has made us. Even if you want to take all of the FAITH out of it, just look at it logically. Everything works in a well organized system. We build well organized systems, so who built the entire system. In Romans Chapter 1 the Lord declares that everyone can see Him if they will just look at what He has made. We create amazing things because an amazing Creator created us first.


Genesis 1:26-27

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
   in the image of God he created them;
   male and female he created them.

Application for life

This is a powerful reminder for me in my walk with the Lord. I look at what we have created as a people. We have manipulated elements and materials to build amazing things, but look at the incredible creation of the elements themselves. ShuttleWe have placed rockets in the sky, but look at the sky itself that the Lord has made. We design amazing things, but we will never design a Sun or Moon to rise in such perfect order. I look forward to seeing the amazing things we will do as people, but I stand in awe of the amazing things that GOD has already done.

God's World