Thursday, June 9, 2011


My Belief

Dark Cockpit

In my business we have a term called the “dark cockpit” concept. Simply put, if all the lights are out then everything is OK! Sure there are a few dimly lit navigation and instrumentation displays on the flight deck, especially at night, but for the most part everything is dark and  pilots are trained that when there is nothing on, blinking, or flashing that things are just as they should be. NOTICE if you will that there are no lights designed to come on for “good things” in this concept. There are all sorts of light to indicated different FIRES in various parts of the aircraft, but nothing to indicate when a “smooth ride” is just ahead. There are also all sorts of lights to indicated that we have lost hydraulic pressure, oil quantity, or Cabin Altitude, but there is nothing to indicate that the “Coffee is nice and hot and ready to be served”. I think you get the point. This concept is so engrained into the pilot that many times in our family lives we encounter conflict because we do not administer praise and instead only tend to focus our attention on things that are wrong or negative.

While this concept may cause some difficulties in our personal and family lives, I think it directly relates to my Christian experience walking with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What do we deserve praise for? The Bible describes us as lost sinners who have zero chance of ever performing up to a standard that is worthy of the Lord. Our best efforts are “filthy rags” to God. In our own perspective we should strive to do good as God created us to, but we should RIP OUT all of the indicator lights for these things. I will not take credit for anything I am given the privilege to do for the Lord. I will turn all praise back to him. There is no light in the cockpit of my mind that says, “Gave Money, Helped someone in need, Shared the Gospel, or Your just a good Guy”. I do not boast in myself or really even remember what I have done for the Lord. I only notice the fire lights in my life. I have plenty of lights in the cockpit of my mind for when I am “Selfish, or Lustful, or Unkind”. Those lights are large and REQUIRE immediate attention. Fire HandlesAgain, my best efforts are in no way comparable to what Jesus has done for me. The best performance I can give is pitiful in the sight of God, so in regard to my own efforts I will strive to keep a dark cockpit.


1Cor 1:29-31  29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

Application for Life

I am a sinner who is saved by grace. A debt that I can never repay has been paid for me. When I get the chance to give more of my money and time to the Lord, I feel that I am saying thank-you to the Lord. I don’t feel that I am doing anything great, but rather someone who gets to give a little bit back. Jesus has given me hope at the end of this short life. In a spirit of humble gratitude the least I can do is offer what I have back to the Lord.

Thankyou Jesus

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