My Belief
Both believers and non believers ask me the same question all the time. They ask me “Why is your faith so strong”. The answer to this is simple. It is the only thing that really makes sense! Knowledge is everywhere. There are arguments for everything. Our world is always in the mode of debating the opposing point of view. It does not matter if that view is right or wrong we just find facts to make the point. What if we stop doing that for a minute and really tested what we know. You can make the case that science supports evolution and you can also make the case that science supports the Bible. Now lets look at what else we know. History definitely looks like it supports the Bible. The more archeologists uncover the more and more the facts of the Bible stand the test. It is hard to make the same claim for evolution or any of the other theories. People try to do it through carbon dating, but there are all sorts of holes in that theory. The Bible however stands firm when it comes to ancient civilization, historic rulers and entire races of people. What else do we know? How about prophesy. God says in the Bible that He is God and there is no other and that He reveals things before they ever happen. This is a way of proving Himself and His book. To answer this you need look no further than the nation of Israel. The Bible specifically says that they would be driven from their homeland and then brought back as the end of the age draws near. This happened exactly as the Bible said it would. The Jewish people were driven out of their land in 70 AD by the Romans and were brought back almost 2000 years later in 1947. There is no other people that have ever been driven away and then brought back centuries later. The Jews still have many of the exact same customs and speak Hebrew exactly the same way now as they did then. Put the Bible to the test! It hold up every time. The Bible is the only puzzle piece that makes sense. It is the only thing that continues to explain all of life’s mysteries with remarkable accuracy.
Matt 17:20
20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Application for Life
Once you realize how accurate the Bible is, it give purpose to your life. It empowers you and makes you bold. The Bible holds up to everything that can be throw at it and it quickly becomes clear the main priority in life must be to live for the Lord Jesus. Personally, I realize in this ever crumbling world that the hope provided in the Bible is the only thing I have to look forward to. Look at the big picture. Don’t get hung up on a small rabbit trails. When you compare everything that is known to what is contained in the Bible, your faith will become strong. The things that seem important in this life will lose their luster and Jesus will become brighter with each passing day. When the Bible is compared to what is known, the leap of faith required to believe the Bible will shrink to a small minuscule little skip.