Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heaven on Earth

My Belief


As a pilot I am required to get a regularly scheduled medical check-up. This certifying that I am physically fit to operate an aircraft. It is routine and for the most part a “non-event”. I have been going to the same doctor to do this for years now. Just as routine as the physicals are, are my heavy political discussions with this doctor. He is Jewish, a democrat, a liberal, and does not believe in God in any format what-so-ever. He is well aware of my conservative political and Christian values. Most of our discussion during my examination are always centered around him trying to convince me of his ideals. He is always touting how big business and high profits are destroying the country. He is adamant about how there needs to be healthcare and equality for all. His belief is that in this country there needs to be a perfect society where everyone is provided for, for their entire lives. Most of the time I do a lot of listening and not much talking. He really doesn’t want to debate much, he simply wants to talk a lot. During this recent visit I stopped him for a moment and told him this, “The difference between you and I is this: you think a utopian “heaven on earth” society it possible and I know for a fact that it will never happen while people are running the show.”

I believe those that choose not to believe in God will do their best to create a perfect society on earth. The problem is that people are sinful and flawed by their very nature. Corruption, greed, and plain old sin will always destroy man’s efforts to create heaven on earth. As a follower of Jesus, I know that this world is evil and broken. I know that there will never be a utopia on this planet until the Lord Jesus himself rules it personally. The more that society pulls away from the truth found in the Bible, the worse our society will become. The story of this planet is already foretold in the pages of the Bible. More and more people will move away from the hope that Jesus offers. They will trade God for their own strength and ability. Christians will continue to be a shrinking minority. Take hope though! While people cannot create heaven on earth, Jesus promises that one day He will do this very thing for us, personally.


Isaiah 2:4   He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

Application for Life

Satan is currently allowed to control this world. God has granted him the ability to have this time of direct interaction with humanity. The Devil will continue to push this world away from God and toward himself. He is preparing the political landscape to hate anything dealing with God, Jesus, or the Bible. Soon Christians will become even more hated and alienated by society. Stay strong in your relationship with God so that you can weather the coming storm. When the SON breaks through the clouds one day soon, we will finally have Heaven on Earth.


1 comment:

  1. This has never been so true. It starts with the breaking down of the foundation of the Bible with talk of evolution. Scientists continually try to prove evolution but fall short. If they can just get people to doubt the bible, they have succeeded just as the serpent in the garden did with Eve. Stand strong in your belief in the first five words of the Bible. "In the beginning God created"
