Friday, February 10, 2012


My Belief

Fox News

I find myself watching the news all the time. I feel a strong need to stay informed on current events and global politics. The reason I feel this way is simple. I'm watching for Jesus. It is amazing how the worlds story is unfolding exactly as the Bible has said for thousands of years. This last week alone it appears that Russia is forming an alliance with Iran which is what most Biblical scholars believe is spoken about in Ezekiel 38 & 39. Our own US secretary of defense Leon Panetta said he was fearful that Israel is backed into a corner and may preemptively strike Iran in the next coming months. This was further confirmed by Israel's defense chief, Ahude Bayrak, who basically said they are seriously considering Military force. The European Union told America that if Israel strikes then the US needs to condemn Israel! This is exactly what the Bible talks about. It says that Israel will be a cup of wrath for all the nations. Israel will be isolated and attacked. I feel like every time I turn on the news I am watching the Bible unfold before my eyes.

It is also amazing to see that there have been so many middle east dictators fall in the last few years. The vacancy of power is everywhere. There are now no strong governments in control of Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, or Tunisia. That is perfect for the Antichrist to come as a charismatic leader and consolidate power quickly.

Barrack Obama declared that America is no longer a Christian nation Barack Obamaand according to the Bible we do not appear to play a big role in the events of the last days. Our economy is failing, our Military is shrinking, and our people are deeply divided against one another. We have departed from our original Judeo-Christian values that made us strong and now it is obvious that there is an all out war in this country on the Christian faith. Atheist are destroying everything for crosses on graves to Christmas trees in December. The Obama administration has issued policy that the catholic church must go against its Biblical values and provide abortions and contraceptives to all in its ministry.


Matt 24:42-44

42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.


I watch the news in amazement of the times that I live in. I believe the Bible and know that things are going to get much worse... The beauty of it is that I also believe the Bible that it says the amazing days of Jesus return are just beyond the storm. I pray God makes me a powerful tool in his hand to share the Gospel with many so they too will see the storm and the light just beyond. Thank you Jesus for your warnings in the Bible and your Love to come  very soon.

Jesus Return