My belief
Most people have no idea what I do on the flight deck. They just see a maze of buttons, lights and two guys in military style uniforms manipulating all the switches that cover everything. They take their seat and trust that it all works! The majority of people will never understand how the aerodynamics work in conjunction with the complex hydraulic, fuel, and propulsion systems. And how a man can strap himself to the front of it and manipulate it all with simple body movements. They just TRUST that it WORKS.
In the same way I DO NOT UNDERSTAND what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross. Sure I know what it says in the Bible and I believe it. I know that He died for my sins and it is by that grace that I am saved from the wrath of God. But think about it! This is just as surface level as knowing that the airplane leaves one city and lands in another. I will never really know what he did on that cross. I will never understand what it meant for him to be separated from God the Father or to become sin for me. I will not understand the spiritual agony of taking all the sin of the world onto Himself. What was He really doing for that 3 days that He spent before He conquered death. In the same way the passengers takes a seat without knowing what is happening, I TRUST Jesus when he said, “it is finished”. I only have a surface level knowledge of his pain, but I TRUST that he has paid for my ticket to eternal life with Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Application for Life.
It blows me away that somehow Jesus took all the sins that I have ever done or will ever do upon himself. That seems like a TON in itself but then multiply that by everyone who has ever lived or will ever live and it becomes to much to ever comprehend. I don’t really know what insurmountable victory that He has won but I just have to TRUST that it WORKS! With this in the front of my mind I will continue to try to live my life for Jesus and look forward to that hope of a new life with Him one day .